Health & Safety

Punta Cana attracts at least 6 Million visitors to its beaches every year and numbers are increasing after the pandemic. While the area is a popular destination for travelers, it is important to remain vigilant when traveling in the Dominican Republic as health and safety issues would likely ruin long-awaited vacation plans. The country’s healthcare system has shown marked improvement in recent years, providing affordable services compared to Europe and the US. One standout feature of the Dominican Republic’s healthcare is its exemplary dental services, which have elevated the nation’s status in the field of medical tourism.
Eating in Punta Cana
Tourists should be aware that there is a risk of contracting sicknesses from unsanitary food. The best way to ensure a great vacation is not to overindulge. Wash your hands before eating and avoid food from street vendors and dairy products that have not been pasteurized. Watch always the salads that you eat, as they may be wilted from being in the sun too long. As a rule, avoid all rare or raw protein products, like eggs and shellfish, and if any fish or meat looks suspicious, avoid it since there will surely be something else for you to select. Cooked food should always be safe, but must be well cooked. Be aware that all food at the resorts is safe to eat, (even the lettuce, raw fruit, and salads). Most hotels have strict quality control procedures in place regarding food, drink and the cleanliness of the resort.
Drinking in Punta Cana
Be advised that the hotels use only purified water for cooking and making ice as well as the making of coffee and washing of vegetables – if they don’t they will tell you otherwise. If you travel outside the resort on your own, drink only bottled water. Ice is safe, is made from purified water and sold in bags almost in every corner. Tap water is not safe. Use it to brush your teeth or to have a shower but don’t drink it or cook with it. Never! Travel with an anti-diarrhea medication in case of illness. Bottled water is widely available throughout the country and it is recommended that vacationers drink at least 10 glasses or about 2 litres a day to avoid dehydration. Be sure to keep track of your consumption of Pineapple and Coconut drinks as they can become natural laxatives to your system.
The bottom line here is if you are not sure of something just do not eat or drink it!!
Excess of sun and alcohol can lead to illness. People who are not used to being in the sun all day can develop sunburn or a sun rash – a type of allergy to the sun. Get in the shade for a while and wear lots of sunscreen and it should go away. If the rash persists for more than a day or so you should see the doctor at the resort.
Mosquito protection
It is highly recommended that you use insect repellent to protect yourself from mosquito bites and possible (although very rare) illnesses carried by them like malaria, zika or dengue. Mosquitos are more prevalent during sunset and night time.
Traveler’s Diarrhea (TD)
The number one Punta Cana health concern is definitely traveler’s diarrhea. This common vacation health problem has less to do with Punta Cana than it does with over-indulging at all-inclusive resorts. Usually this common ailment can be cured with a couple days of taking it easy and drinking lots of water. If you do get sick, Immodium, Alka-Seltzer/Pepto-Bismol/Tums, and Tylenol will take care of most problems. Don’t forget to take them with you – it will be expensive to purchase them there! If it does persist, see the doctor at the resort.
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus.The mosquito that spreads dengue bites during the day and is more common in urban areas. Symptoms typically begin 3 to 14 days after infection. These may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin itching and skin rash. Recovery generally takes two to seven days. There is no vaccine and prevention is through avoidance of mosquito bites.
Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus). Zika can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus. Infection during pregnancy can cause certain birth defects. The Dominican Republic has a history of previous Zika Virus transmission. There is currently no evidence of an ongoing Zika Virus outbreak. Take meticulous anti-mosquito bite measures during the daytime. There is no vaccine to prevent infection.
The risk of malaria in the Dominican Republic is low with the highest risk areas being along the border with Haiti. The risk of contracting malaria in Punta Cana has always been extremely low and the sporadic cases have probably been due to migrant workers coming from other parts of the country. If you can, you should check with your GP or Travel Clinic before the journey. Currently the recommended preventative is chloroquine. Use mosquito repellent containing DEET, especially at dawn and dusk and whenever possible wear clothes covering all your body.
The following are the recommended vaccinations for the Dominican Republic:
Hepatitis A – vaccine is recommended for all travelers over one year of age. It should be given at least two weeks (preferably four weeks or more) before departure.
Typhoid – vaccine is recommended for travelers who may eat or drink away from the usual tourist destinations. It is generally given in an oral form (Vivotif Berna) consisting of four capsules taken on alternate days until completed.
Hepatitis B – vaccine is recommended for all travelers if not previously vaccinated.
Rabies – vaccine is recommended for travelers spending a lot of time outdoors, for travelers at high risk for animal bites, such as veterinarians and animal handlers, for long-term travelers and expatriates, and for travelers involved in any activities that might bring them into direct contact with bats.
Tetanus-diphtheria – vaccine is recommended for all travelers who have not received a tetanus-diphtheria immunization within the last 10 years.
Polio – vaccine is not recommended for any adult traveler who completed the recommended childhood immunizations. Polio has been eradicated from the Americas, except for a small outbreak of vaccine-related poliomyelitis in the Dominican Republic and Haiti in late 2000.
Cholera – there is always the threat of Cholera here in the DR and in fact recently there has been an increase in the number of cases. But no panic!! Almost all are confined to the far west of the country, specifically in the regions bordering Haiti. Once again wash your hands before and after meals, use the sanitizers that you will find all over the resort and ENJOY!
(More info here)
Visit your doctor before your trip and ensure that you are up to date on all of your vaccinations. If you pay attention to a few of the common Punta Cana health concerns, there is no reason to get sick on your vacation to Punta Cana! With a few common sense strategies you can avoid ruining your trip.
– Before traveling make sure you have medical insurance as local doctors and hospitals expect immediate payment.
– While private health care is generally quite good, prescription drugs are EXTREMELY expensive. If there is any medicine that you take regularly, bring it with you.
– There is a 911 service in Punta Cana for medical emergencies, so if you’re in trouble pick up the phone.
– Most hotels have a doctor on call so you can enquire at the front desk about appointments or other Punta Cana health concerns.
– There are few private hospitals in Punta Cana which are about 20 minutes from most hotels.
Medical services
All-inclusive hotels have small on-site clinics and medical staff, who can provide first aid and basic care. The area also offers different good private hospitals with modern medical facilities and qualified professionals. Most hospitals have multilingual staff and 24 hour emergency care.
– Hospital IMG (809-285-6116; Boulevard Turistico del Este) the first third-level center in the Dominican Republic certified by a North American accreditation. They offer more than 30 medical specialties and services. They also have an international bilingual department, have agreements with more than eighty international health insurers, and have received patients from more than forty countries.
– Centro Médico Punta Cana (809-552-1506; between Plaza Bávaro & the bus terminal, Bávaro) The name notwithstanding, this is the main private hospital in Bávaro, with a multilingual staff, 24-hour emergency room and in-house pharmacy.
– Hospitén Bávaro (809-686-1414; between airport & turnoff to Bávaro) Best private hospital in Punta Cana, with English, French and German speaking doctors and a 24-hour emergency room. The hospital is located in Veron, on the road to Punta Cana, 500m from the turnoff to Bávaro.
Punta Cana is one of the safest vacation spots in the Caribbean, and tourists should feel comfortable traveling outside of the hotel zone. However, petty theft (especially of cell phones, according to some) does sometimes occur, so you should be careful when carrying valuables with you. Hotel security is good, and there’s even a special branch of the police department devoted to tourist safety, known as Politur. Just as in any other destination, there are common-sense practices that when exercised, help you stay safer:
- if you’re travelling alone, don’t walk in isolated areas late at night. Ask your hotel for recommendations.
- don’t carry large amount of cash.
- watch your surroundings when using a ATM.
- keep your valuables in your hotel safe and always have a copy of your passport or ID with you.